Adjournment Application Format PDF |
Adjournment application format can be filed in the court of law for taking the next date for hearing the case. Adjournment Application Format PDF is provided below;
IN THE COURT OF______________________________________
Complainant/Accused Most Respectfully Submits As Under:
1) That the above-noted case is pending before this Hon'ble Court and today the date is posted for the Arguments/Hearing/Evidence.
2) That the Complainant/Accused is out of town for personal difficulties and is not in a position to appear before this Hon'ble Court for today.
3) That now the applicant request to get adjourned the above matter for the next date for Arguments/Hearing/Evidence.
That by allowing this application, the above-noted case may kindly be adjourned for the next date for Arguments/Hearing/Evidence.
This is also known as an adjournment petition.
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Meaning of Adjournment
Meaning of adjournment in law is stated as "Adjournment means a postponement of a hearing to next future date." or "to suspend indefinitely or until a later stated time."
In general, adjournment meaning is "Adjournment means to terminate a meeting." Adjournment meaning in Hindi is स्थगन, कार्यस्थगन or स्थगनकाल.