Civil Procedure Code, 1908 - Notes, Case Laws And Study Materials

Civil Procedure Code, 1908 - Notes, Case Laws And Study Materials

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Civil Procedure Code, 1908 Notes

Civil Procedure Code, 1908 is procedural law. It is intended to regulate the procedure to be followed by the civil courts. The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 came into force with effect from the 1st of January 1909. 

The object of the code is to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the procedure of Courts of Civil Judicature. 

Important study material and case laws on the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 – Click on the topics to Read

Module 1 - Introduction

  • The Difference Between Procedural Law and Substantive Law
  • History of the Civil Procedure Code
  • Introduction of the Code - Its Object, Nature, and Scope
  • Salient Features of the Civil Procedure Code
  • What is Suit in Law
  • Hierarchy Of Civil Courts In India
  • Important Definitions - Decree, decree-holder, judgment, judgment debtor, legal representative, mesne profit, order, and pleader.
  • Decree - Meaning, Essential, Classifications, Amendment.
  • Types of Decree
  • Difference Between Decree, Order, and Judgement

Module 2 - Suits in General

  • Jurisdiction of the Civil Courts and its types
  • Bar on Suits - Suits of civil nature
  • Res subjudice
  • Res judicata
  • Difference between Res-judicata and Res-subjudice
  • Difference Between Res Judicata and Estoppel
  • Constructive Res-judicata
  • Foreign Judgment
  • Place of Suing
  • Transfer of Suits in CPC
  • Institution of Suits
  • Pleadings and Amendment of Pleadings
  • Plaint
  • Written Statement
  • Meaning of Summons
  • Summons and Discovery
  • Service of Summons
  • Production of Witness Without Service of Summons
  • Attendance of Witnesses Confined or Detained in Prison
  • Penalty for Default
  • Judgment and Decree
  • Interest
  • Costs

Module 3 - Execution of Suits

  • General Provisions
  • Parties to Suit
  • Framing of Suits
  • Set-off and Counter Claim
  • General Rules of Denial
  • Appearance and Non-appearance of Parties
  • Execution of Decree
  • Transferees and Legal Representatives
  • Procedure in Execution 
  • Arrest and Detention
  • Attachment
  • Sale 
  • Distribution of Assets
  • Resistance to Execution
  • Exparte Decree and Dismissal for default
  • Filing a Caveat  

Module 4 - Commissions Under CPC

Module 5 - Interim Powers & Inherent Powers of Courts    

  • Summons-Issue and Service of Summons
  • Summoning and attendance of witnesses.  
  • Interim Orders
  • Temporary & permanent injunction and Interlocutory Orders
  • Withdrawal & Compromise of Suits
  • Examination of parties by the court. 
  • Arrest and Attachment before Judgment.  
  • Death, Marriage & Insolvency of Parties
  • Suits by Pauper and minor
  • Restitution, Caveat, Inherent Powers of the Court
  • Execution of Decrees - Executing Court, Modes of Execution etc.

Module 6 - Suits in Particular Cases

  • Suits by or Against Government
  • Suit by Aliens
  • Suit Against
  • Interpleader

Module 7 - Special Proceedings Under CPC

  • Arbitration
  • Special Case
  • Public Nuisance

Module 8 - Supplemental Proceedings

Module 9 - Appeals

  • General provisions relating to appeals  
  • Appeals from Original Decrees (First Appeal)
  • Appeals from Appellate Decrees (Second Appeal)
  • Appeals from Orders
  • General Provisions Relating to Appeal
  • Appeals to Supreme Court

Module 10 - Reference, Review, and Revision

  • Reference
  • Review
  • Revision

Module 11 - Special Provision Relating to High Courts

Module 12 - Rules Under CPC

Module 13 - Miscellaneous Provisions

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